Monday, June 01, 2009



I hates it.

I hate not being able to do on-line check-in.
I hate packing - trying to keep bag under (arbitrary profit-making) weight limits.
I hate 9A and the painting on the Dame Point Bridge.
I hate off-site airport parking. (But not as much as the airport-operated parking lots and shuttles.)
I hate "operated by XXXX" flights.
I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate regional jets. Especially Embraer Gaucho-Jets.
I hate kiosk check in.
I hate getting charged $15 for the FIRST bag.
I hate getting charged $30 MORE to get a seat near the front of the plane.
I hate the TSA and all it's minions.
Fuck those motherfuckers. They can ALL lick the sweat from a dead man's balls.
I hate getting extra scrutiny for booking tickets less than 24 hours before traveling.
I hate that the TSA keeps it's rectal probes in the freezer just prior to "additional security" examinations.
I hate getting gouged at airport food courts.
I hate short connections.
I hate airport TVs that are tuned 24/7 to the Obama Channel. (A/K/A HLN)
(Correction... HLN = Obama & Octomom Channel.)

More hate forthcoming, it's a long way to LA.



Cockroach said...

Don't forget to Hate the Airport Rental Car agencies that are not AT the airport, you have to take a packed smelly bus filled with the idiots who have never traveled in their life and must take every piece of luggage they own with them and dump in front of the door so you can't get in or out.

And don't forgot to Hate the Airport Rental Car agencies and their twisted sense of auto styles. A Toyota Rav 4 is not a Tahoe class SUV.

~ Cockroach

T-Rav said...

Can't we all just get along?

Bug said...

Hating regional jets compared to a 737 isn't fair. Compare them to the lovely prop jobs that they replaced.

And does that mean you prefer your rectal probes warm?

Annie in SC said...

I try very hard to not fly and haven't done so in over six years. So I am not sure if your comment about rectal probes is a joke or real. Seriously. They don't do that, do tney? *cringe*