Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter Oly 2018 News Update...

I hope this is real and he's not just toying with my psyche...
..."After watching the Opening Ceremonies from Vancouver and reading accounts in the media of conditions at the ski venues at Cypress & Whistler" stated Hanenmann, "we realized that having an actual winter has ceased to be a requirement for hosting the Olympic Winter Games. Therefore we decided that now is the time for the State of Hawai'i, including the City of Honolulu and it's neighbor islands, to throw our hats into the ring to serve as host."...
From the illustrious Mighty Skunk...



Anonymous said...

I would have to try to go to those olympics then.

Slaw said...

Well if George did his math right, I believe it was his master plan for global warming to flood New Orleans in 2005 and the snow should be in Hawaii by 2018. Global Warming is Great!

Bug said...

I'm officially calling in every single favor you owe me (dang, it'd be REALLY handy if you actually owed me any) to get on the crew for that.