Wednesday, January 21, 2015

SOTU Followup

So all the news this am is about the "epic burn" that Obama gave to the Republican party as all the elephants at the SOTU began applauding when Obama said he had no more campaigns to run...
He manages to go off-script and show his petulant child side with "...I know, because I won both of them."

So much for that conciliatory tone he was looking for last week...

Of course Slate, Salon, Mediaite and the ObamaMedia are just aflutter about his mastery of the off-the-cuff repartee and that any right of center needs to rush off and find a  get a good skin graft, 'cause that's The Burn Of The Century.

Morons... All of them.



Unknown said...

Hey - just trying to get in touch, could you send me an email when you have the time? Thanks.
bluegrassbruce8 at gmail

Old NFO said...

I turned it off after 10 minutes...

kx59 said...

Highly educated morons mind you.
They have the Ivy League sheepskins to prove it too. ;)