Constant Reader and all-around good guy Luc posed an excellent question:
Big Guy, question for you since you are somewhat of an expert on the subject: In the last year, how many explosive devices or real weapons (not including nail clippers) did the TSA found on passengers by screening them?
We aim (heh) to please here at L2UJ, especially when it comes to gun questions...
The actual stats are a bit long and most likely the average lurker will see that there is no T&A or Gun Pr∅n pictures and skip over the data, so let me offer this observation as a preface:
When the TSA or DHA actually do something of note (almost never) or try to take credit for something someone else has done (all the frickin' time - See underwear bomber, Times Square Bomber, etc) they hold big press conferences and trumpet long and loud their accomplishments to all and sundry.
Politico- Napolitano: "The System Worked"
A larger problem is that even when the information is right under their noses, they still don't recognize a terrorist attack.
WaPo- Napolitano: NYC car bomb is 'a potential terrorist attack'
calls it a one-off, and is more likely an act of domestic terrorism.
It's a one off?
Oh- wait...
London 2007: Light GREEN Mercedes Benz loaded with Propane bottles,Gasoline containers,Nails, Electrical wiring, Detonators
Glasgow Airport 2007: Dark GREEN Jeep Cherokee, Propane bottles,Gasoline containers, Detonators
New York City 2010: Dark GREEN Nissan Pathfinder, Propane bottles, Gasoline containers, “Consumer grade fireworks”, Electrical wiring, Detonators.
One-off. Sure.
I'm not sure why they haven't banned driving Nissan Pathfinders in NYC...
After all, someone screws up an underwear bomb and now everyone gets a little testicle squeeze or labia pinch. Why are they still letting people drive SUVs in NYC?
Crap. I'm getting side tracked, and you're probably getting bored.
Stand by one...

Wow. Gun Pr∅n and a prodigious rack. Who knew?
Ok... Now that I have your attention again... Back to Luc's question:
In the last year, how many explosive devices or real weapons (not including nail clippers) did the TSA found on passengers by screening them?"
The TSA publishes a weekly "body count" at every Tuesday.
Keep in mind that these are raw numbers with no follow up info to explain the circumstances.
I'll promise you that if they found a gun and evidence that a hijacking was to be committed, you'd see the same "The System Worked" canine and equine show that the DHS/TSA is so famous for.
I have a feeling that the "firearms found" figures are a variation of "I have a ccw and forgot it was in my briefcase where I always keep it", a LEO who is not following correct procedure, a Fed Air Marshall who didn't sign the log book or is late for flight and tried to pass the Screen Point without going the the appropriate hoops, test scenarios where undercover TSA Agents are bringing guns through to evaluate hardware and wetware, and things of that ilk, rather than real, bona fide hijackers and terrorists.
Now- the numbers (just the first 6 months of this year... I got tired of chasing the info):
TSA week at a glance:
12/27/09 To 01/03/10
* 28 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
* 12 firearms found at checkpoints
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 24 incidents that involved a checkpoint closure, terminal evacuation or sterile area breach
01/04/10 To 01/10/10
* 22 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
* 20 firearms found at checkpoints
* 5 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 26 incidents that involved a checkpoint closure, terminal evacuation or sterile area breach
01/11/10 To 01/17/10
* 9 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
* 8 firearms found at checkpoints
* 0 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 20 incidents that involved a checkpoint closure, terminal evacuation or sterile area breach
01/18/10 To 01/25/10
* 2 artfully concealed prohibited item found at checkpoints
* 21 firearms found at checkpoints
* 14 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
01/25/10 To 01/31/10
* 5 artfully concealed prohibited item found at checkpoints
* 17 firearms found at checkpoints
* 21 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
02/08/10 To 02/14/10
* 5 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 24 firearms found at checkpoints
* 22 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
2/15/10 To 02/21/10
* 6 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 19 firearms found at checkpoints
* 5 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
02/22/10 to 02/28/10
* 3 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 17 firearms found at checkpoints
* 5 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
03/01/10 To 03/07/10
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 19 firearms found at checkpoints
* 13 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
03/08/10 to 03/14/10
* 2 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 23 firearms found at checkpoints
* 2 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
03/15/10 to 03/21/10
* 2 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 28 firearms found at checkpoints
* 5 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
03/22/10 to 03/28/10
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 14 firearms found at checkpoints
* 14 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
03/29/10 To 04/04/10
* 2 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 18 firearms found at checkpoints
* 3 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
04/05/10 to 04/11/10
* 3 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 24 firearms found at checkpoints
* 4 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
04/12/10 to 04/18/10
* 3 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 28 firearms found at checkpoints
* 0 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
04/19/10 to 04/25/10
* 6 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 16 firearms found at checkpoints
* 0 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
04/26/10 To 05/02/10
* 7 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 14 firearms found at checkpoints
* 13 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
05/03/10 to 05/10/10
* 5 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 15 firearms found at checkpoints
* 9 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
05/10/10 To 05/16/10
* 2 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 27 firearms found at checkpoints
* 2 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
05/17/10 To 05/23/10
* 0 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 5 firearms found at checkpoints
* 6 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
05/24/10 To 05/30/10
* 3 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 10 firearms found at checkpoints
* 2 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
05/31/10 To 06/07/10
* 5 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 18 firearms found at checkpoints
* 11 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
06/07/10 To 06/13/10
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 8 firearms found at checkpoints
* 9 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
6/14/10 to 06/20/10
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 10 firearms found at checkpoints
* 3 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
6/21/10 thru 6/27/10
* 4 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 13 firearms found at checkpoints
* 15 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
6/28/10 Thru 7/04/10
* 3 artfully concealed prohibited items found at checkpoints
* 128 firearms found at checkpoints
* 15 passengers were arrested after investigations of suspicious behavior or fraudulent travel documents
To answer your question, a shitload of firearms, no explosives, and the guns they find are not worthy of a follow-up with the press corp, so they are, as a rule, a non-event.
Hope this answers part of your question.