5:45am - Sunrise over Sydney Olympic Park.
Merry Christmas to all my Constant Readers!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Amused But Confused
Just thinking out loud here...
I'm sure by now you've heard that there was some kerfuffle at one of the beauty pageants where the EmCee crowned the wrong contestant and had to backpedal to correct things in a most embarrassing fashion...
I think the whole thing was a sham- after all, the real winner didn't get crowned...
Because isn't the current Correct Thinking that BHO is the most wonderful, most photogenic, most intelligent, best-thing-since-sliced-bread evar?
He got the Nobel- and I hear he's in the running for an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy, a Clio and Tony. (With all his lies, shouldn't he get a Pulitzer for his works of fiction?)
Why not Miss USA/World/Universe/Galaxy/Queen of Every Fucking Thing?
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Australia Pro-Tip
Listen to Uncle Jay:
When you arrive in Australia, you may be asked some questions by Customs & Immigration at the airport checkpoint.
If they ask if you have any felony convictions, the reply "I didn't know it was still a requirement." is NOT the correct response...
Just sayin'
TBG, down under.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Comedy and Irony - Pres. Barak Obama Highway
(As you read the article HERE remember that this area is represented by Debbie Whatsername-Shultz.)
Riviera Beach renamed Old Dixie Highway in honor of President Barack Obama during a ceremony on Thursday, a change that city officials say will help move the community past its segregated history.
"We are stepping up to a new day, a new era, and replacing Old Dixie with Barack Obama, who represents change," Riviera Beach Mayor Thomas Masters told Sun Sentinel news partner WPEC-Ch. 12.
(emphasis mine- TBG)
There is one thing I find most amusing in this whole slice of Social Justice Theater, is that they went pretty far out of the way to tie it all up in a nice pretty package, complete with a photogenic intersection of PBHO Hwy and MLK Jr Blvd...
(No doubt, a location where one can easily score an 8- ball or a few grams of flakka, in addition to getting your car jacked.)
Students of Unintended Irony should note that also at the corner of PBHO & MLKJr is an office for the Customs and Border Patrol.
Can't make this shit up.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
From our What Goes Around file: Executive Order Edition
(Lots of supposition here, but here goes..)
The Left if going to find it distasteful if (when) a conservative POTUS is elected and he/she starts flinging EOs around like Obama does, just like the Dems in the Senate are regretting the "Nuclear Option" they exercised so deftly, as it is now wielded by the GOP, though they need to use it better, harder and more often...
(Oh! That's what she said!)
Before Exec Order - 47,000 people on No-Fly list.
After the Exec Order - 300 Million on the list.
Welcome to ObamAmerika.
Some day in the near future, some Political Science student is going to opine:
"Man, no one could throw an Autopen/ExecOrder like ol' Barry Hussein! That dude had a knack for fucking things up."
I would heartily agree...
Sunday, December 13, 2015
I used to think LucasArts and Lucasfilm
really had marketing overkill mastered, until the last couple months.
Disney is the unabashed King o' Marketing... All the Star Wars - The Force Awakens marketing tie-ins are overwhelming. I am really getting quite fed up with it all...
Instead of it piquing my interest in seeing the flick, it almost makes me want to avoid all the insanity.
Hell- I saw a damned Fiat commercial with SWTFA branding... WT actual F?
But this jewel that I came across this AM.
This is FUBAR.
Travel Lessons - Part 237d
The Overhead
Ok, listen up, 'cause we're only going to go through this once.All bags go in to the overhead in such a way as to economize space, providing the bin is capable of holding a rolling bag, (exception being those fucking Embraer Gaucho-jets and the CanuckWings CRJ700s) the bag goes in handle out, wheels to the back, not lengthwise.
Your bag belongs in the bin above your seat (within reason) especially if you are in the first couple boarding groups.
Boarding Groups 3 through 217 may have issues with this. If you are in a later boarding group and you see a spot as you are making your way to your seat, take it.
Regarding stuff already in the Overhead:
You can shift a bag a bit, or turn it, but under no circumstances should you take someone else's bag out of the bin. Neither should you rotate or flip someone's bag. Really, if it is any more than sliding someone's bag a bit left or right, ask who's bag it is and request assistance.
If you (for whatever reason) are late in boarding, and you have to put your bag in the overhead several rows back, you have 3 options for retrieval for de-planing:
First- you can ask the people standing in the aisle to pass your bag forward.
This only works if your bag is 2 or so rows back and is relatively small.
Second- once the all-clear is given to get up, you can politely move back to where your bag is. HOWEVER- once there, you have to stay there. You have no right to return to your original location.
Third, you can wait until the major bulk of the passengers have exited, then move to your bag when there are gaps in the passenger movement.
What it comes down to is that you can't displace or otherwise inconvenience others due to your issues, regardless of whose fault is was- yours, the airline's or climate change.
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Just Another Observation On The No-fly List
In regards to the clamoring to preclude No-Fly Listers from buying guns-
Remember who's on the list:
Possible terrorists.
Remember the current Adminstration/Progressive narrative:
It you are a vocal 2nd Amendment supporter, you are a potential domestic terrorist.
GunBlog Black List = No-Fly / No-Buy
Keep your powder dry.
Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Ringing the Bell
CJ is having waaaay too much fun ringing the bell with his AR-10 .308
Shock & Awe

Round 1 - Boom!

Round 2 - Boom!

Round 3 - Boom! And... Look at that plume of gas escaping from between the cylinder and the barrel. Keep your fingers away from that gap, kids.
Shot 4 - Progressive stills:

Slowly squeeze....

Uh... Why is the fire starting here? In this 1/30th of a second frame, it looks like the hammer is still back, but the round has been fired.

Round 4, frame 3 - Cylinder of fire, and the nasty plume of hot gas from the cylinder gap.

Round 4, frame 4, getting back on target...

Round 5 - Fire!

Round 6 - See where the "Gun Shot Residue" comes from?
Want to see what it looks like from my point of view?
A different string of shots. Firing single handed here...

On target...


Back to target...


That's what flash suppressors are all about, kids.
And anytime anyone wants to try firing the .44 Magnum stiff-armed, let me know.
Bring aspirin and a wrist brace.
Monday, December 07, 2015
Long Overdue...
Friday, December 04, 2015
On The Launching Pad
9:00 pm Breakdown = Smooth
11:00 pm Packing = Easy
Turning down pleas to come out for more streetmeat and tequila at 2:30am = Difficult but not impossible.
3:30am Wakeup call = painful
4:00am Shuttle to Airport = more painful (buy some shocks for your damn van, Ese!)
Sitting in the United lounge at MEX waiting for my 7:55am flight = relaxing
Serially though- on my way outta here.
Can't wait to get back to the land of the free (stuff) and the home of the criminal immigrants.
TBG, United lounge #2
(I'm the one drinking flor de Cana at the bar at 5:45am - come say hi)
Thursday, December 03, 2015
"DO SOMETHING!!1!Eleventy!
Know anything about this list?
Probably not enough. You might think that it's a list of known terrorists and dangerous felons that, if given access to air travel, will commandeer the plane and cause mass-carnage.
Its a mysterious list generated and maintained by several Three Letter Agencies for the Good Of All Mankind. Getting on the list is easy- have the same name as a know terrorist or high-level criminal that some TLA would like to chat with, or a similar name to a know terrorist or felon, or just be a person that one of the many TLAs would like to talk to.
Not necessarily a terrorist, felon, or otherwise a bad guy.
Numbers of people vary- DHS says it's 2,500 of known bad guys, and another 16,000 "individuals of interest". The ACLU says the list is over 1,000,000 members strong and growing by 1,600 submitted names per day.
Since no one agency "owns" the list, once you're on it, it's almost impossible to get off of it, which sucks it you're one of those similar-named people. I know a few people and every time they want to fly, they have to just through many hoops, including stringent checking at the TSA checkpoints, even after they present the famous and mostly useless 'redress number'.
Getting off the list
So- now there is a call to restrict anyone one the no-fly list from legally purchasing a firearm...
(Probably via some form of executive order or mandate.)
Let me get this right- If your name is Robert Johnson, Daniel Brown, Patrick Martin, or event Edward Kennedy, you will be unable to legally purchase a firearm.
Restricting a constitutional right without due process. Nice.
I wonder how that's going to work out.
Yesterday's News Cycle - San Bernardino
Climate change!
Climate change,
11:00a PST
Active shooter!
Active shooter!
Active shooter!
Active shooter!
F'ing NRA!
Evil gun lobby!
Workplace violence!
Praying doesn't help - DO SOMETHING!!!1!11!
Democrats: Calls for drastic measures to curb gun violence, blaming Conservatives for giving access to guns to everyone from two-tooth hillbilly mouthbreathers to convicted Islamo-terrorists that are on the FBI/TSA no-fly list, including 500 rounds of free armor-piercing exploding cop-killer bullets for free.
Dem 2016 Candidates: Grandstanding with meaningful soundbites!
This isn't normal. WE MUST DO SOMETHING!
Conservatives: Thoughts and prayers for victims and families.
Also: Hey! Slow down! Let's let the situation get resolved before we start assigning blame.
CAIR: "Man, we hope the shooters have a normal American name like Smith or Jones."
11:15a - 6:00pm
Active shooter! Live helicopter shot!
Active shooter! Planned parenthood only a mile from shooting location!
Active shooter! Interview with talking head from Three Letter Agency!
Active shooter! Interview with retired officia from Random Government Agency!
Active shooter! Interview with talking head from a different Three Letter Agency!
Active shooter! Helicopter Live Feed!
Active shooter! Planned parenthood STILL only a mile from shooting location!
Active shooter! Vehicle pursuit!
Uh Oh. - Syed R|zwan Far00k and Tashf33n M@lik - Hey! Look! Climate Change!
FIFA Scandal
Climate Change
F'ing gun owners!
Black Lives Matter!
F'ing politicians!
F'ing white mass murderers!
F'ing gun laws!
F'ing NRA!
F'ing GOP!
F'ing Angry White Guy Mass Killers!
(Shooter names released)
(clicky-click - twitter messages being deleted)
Thursday AM:
"Motive Unclear"
"Workplace violence"
"Still under investigation."
PSA for Anchorit.gov (Anti child injury by furniture tipping initiative) - WTF?
"Don't blame entire group/subclass/religion for actions of one or two people."
"Yeah, we said that last week. Hope it works out for you as well as it has for us."
F'ing gun owners anyway!
F'ing NRA too!
F'ing politicians!
F'ing stupid Americans!
Make $$$ sitting at home in your underwear eating cheetos. Click this link.
**logout & close laptop**
Ghod, I've gotta get out of this office. The exposure to CNN and Twitter is killing me.
I think I'll go drink a big glass of tapwater and go breathe the air out on the balcony that overlooks the traffic circle at Diana Cazadora.
It's gotta be better than sitting in here...
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
CNN Overload & Streetfood!
Most of the time it's around 6 or 8.
I'm sitting in the front of the room, which is arranged 'classroom' style, so everyone behind me is looking over my shoulder, which can be a little disturbing, mostly for them when I'm shopping on Brownells.com or LAPoliceGear.com, or when I'm surfing DrudgeReport.com.
(As a rule, these are mostly New Yorkers or New Jersey residents that are here for the event.)
Anyway, I try to keep most of the stuff that would require a trigger warning for a Yankee hoplophobic, entitled-class climate alarmist to a minimum on my screen.
Meanwhile, on a 70" flatscreen in the front of the room, CNN International is playing constantly.
(Because it is one of the few channels in Ingles on the hotel's 35-channel network... The other 2 are Fox News [not gonna happen with this crowd] and SuperMax [a channel playing latenight Cinemax movies, including softcore 24/7])
The local sportschannel is ESPN Deportes, and it seems like they want to watch the 36 minute CNN repeating cycle featuring Anderson Cooper, Christine Amanpour and the staff of dozens that cover the news for Ted Turners bastard child than having to listen to soccer recaps in high-speed Español.
So Yours Truly is stuck in front of this non-stop drivel, consisting mostly of US commentators kissing Obama's ass, lionizing Granny Clinton, and trying to scandalize or at least trivialize the conservative 2016 candidates for President. Shit-tons of coverage on Paris climate talks ("The US owes all 3rd world nations reparations! ZOMG- The Marshall
When they start in on that feature, my brain completely shuts down due to the complete stupidity of the concept. These people have gone over the edge in the cause/effect analysis.
As a matter of fact, climate change is the cause of all ills in the world...
Donald Trump? - Climate change.
Colorado PP shooting? - Climate change.
Clinton e-mail scandal? - Climate change.
China investor group buys into Manchester U FC? - Climate change.
Russian Jetliner shootdown over Turkey? - Climate change.
Cleveland Browns lost to the Ravens? - Climate change.
Michael Brown/Eric Gardner/Freddy Gray? - Climate change.
Slow Internet? - Climate change.
Burned your Thanksgiving turkey? - Climate change.
World War II? - Climate change.
.22 LR Ammo shortage? - Climate change.
Just a couple days to go...
I can get through it...
Mostly by looking forward to my nightly forays into the dark neighborhood streets behind the St. Regis, in search of Mexican street meat and michelada.

Mmmm Al pastor and onions on the Plancha

Al pastor con queso on the way...

Yeah, that's not a tennis shoe... That's lengua, beef tongue...
I'll stick with the giant Cone o' Meat-

All hail Al Pastor!
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Once More, With Feeling This Time
Shit like this is why the BLM movement has zero credibility.
Quelle suprise!
Keep up the good work, morons.
I Just Can't Even
(Spoken at a podium in Paris, where 189 people were just killed.)
The man is completely clueless and unaware.
Cue up the calls for gun confiscations from all people who aren't felons, drug addicts, mentally ill, or otherwise prohibited...
But first-
What's that battle cry from the Left when an Islamic radical goes on rampage?
Oh yeah:
"This sort of thinking — blaming an entire group for the actions of a few individuals, assuming the worst about a person just because of their identity — is the very definition of bigotry."
From Vox...here.