Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fellow Blogger Blacklisted!

Wow... Them OpenDNS folks aren't screwing around...

Hey Irish-
You need to charge more for access since you are obviously running a straight-up porn site.



Old NFO said...

Huh... You must be out of pocket again... Works fine from here. :-)

Irish said...

You know.. I got that at my friends house the other day. I was on wifi with my iphone and that came up. I shut off wifi and it worked again with my verizon wireless. What the hell?

Irish said...

You know.. I got that at my friends house the other day. I was on wifi with my iphone and that came up. I shut off wifi and it worked again with my verizon wireless. What the hell?

Irish said...

One more thing, if MY site is pornographic what about all the sites I do my research on? hmmm?


Stay safe Uncle Jay