Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Stupid London Tricks

I hates tourists.

Especially the ones that show absolutely no creativity...

For instance, the idjits that go to Pisa Italy and take pictures of themselves trying to hold up the leaning tower...

You know, these fools:

or the mouth-breathers in Paris that do this...

Show some originality, for cryin' out loud!
In London there is a similar spot to make a fool of yourself.

A few years back, a little band from 'round these parts did an album and shot the cover for the jacket on a road in this fair city.
You may or may not be familiar with it...
The name of the band was "The Beagles" or some other such foolishness...

Everyone and his/her brother want to re-create this scene. Fools.
Abbey Road station off the DLR is two stops from the Olympic Park, and every American familiar with said little group of music-makers says, as they pass through that station: "Say, Cletus, we orta go shoot us a pitcher of ourselfs like John, Paul & George... It's gotta be close by here..."

The part that is amusing to me?
The Abbey Road near Olympic Park is Hell-and-gone from the real Abbey Road location.

To wit:
The Wrong Place

Click for actual Googly Earth Map

The Real Abbey Road

Again, click to see the map

Now- lest you get this idea that it is unique to hunt up the location and take your picture, I suggest you take a peek at the webcam that runs 24/7, capturing in living color dumbasses that attempt photographic dorkification and perhaps suicide by tourism.
Abbey Road Studios LiveFeed

Click picture to go to the livefeed. It is hi-frippin'-larious.

The crosswalk is just that- a pedestrian crosswalk with no lights. Tourista just wade out into traffic to get their pic, trusting the traffic laws and the good-nature of the local drivers not convert them into grease spots on the pavement.

Dumbassery on the hoof.



Bug said...

I read in an interview with McCartney that he was sitting in his car waiting at the real crosswalk watching people take pictures of themselves doing that. He thought it humorous that they didn't notice him sitting there while they did it.

kx59 said...

depending on the good nature of the local drivers...
Question: Do they stripe the roads that way because the Brits drive like completely inebriated fucktards, or was the civil servant that painted the stripes drunk out of his ever loving mind?
When traveling out of country, I compensate for my ugly americanish by tipping well.

Old NFO said...

LOL, little lemmings all in a row...

The Big Guy said...

I think the crooked stripes are from the strip painters weaving to try to hit pedestrians.

That's the only thing I can come up with. It's not 'cause they're shitfaced... They are inebriated 85% of the time anyway. As a matter of fact, I think they drive better with a few snootsful.

And yes- me too- I overtip like an American, just to reinforce the stereotype.


Tracy said...

I needed that laugh today. It took less than a minute for the first set of potential road killians to take said photo.