Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Graphically Speaking

I recently came across a archive of American Thinker's Graph-of-the-Day pages.
A Keen Graph of the Obvious
The author (Randall Hoven) includes his reference material locations, so ascertaining the veracity of a given graph is easy to do...
They say that a picture says a thousand words, and these graphs tell the story well...

A few of my favorites...

Unemployment vs. Senate Control

Kinda makes a statement, don't it?

Total Paid Circulation of Newspapers

When I read something on a news aggregator on the Interw3b, then see it TWO days later in the local paper, it doesn't make me want to go out and get a subscription...
These days Old Media=Old News 

 Hate crimes committed against Muslims


Executions and Homicide Rates

It's not all politically slanted...

Useful info... If you're REALLY into fresh coffee.

Oooh. Another Hate Crime graph...

Don't spend too much time out there...


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