Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Russia "How Do I..." Items

I was compiling some items for my 'How To' list I give to my victims coworkers...
Tips on basic polite phrases, ordering drinks, finding the bathroom, etc.

In discussion with one of my many co-conspirators this weekend, I was getting a few protips (he spent 4 years in Moscow) and learned that body language goes a long way...

Yours Truly: "So, how does one ask for the check in a restaurant?"

Moscow Mike: "Well, what I do is throw my empty plates on the floor, then grab an empty vodka (or beer) bottle and slam it against the wall. Then I pull out my wallet and wave money in the air. The smashed plate is to get their attention, and the broken bottle shows them I mean business."

YT: "Uh, yeah... So... How are the Russian prisons then?"

TBG, pondering the true meaning of "некультурный"


wrm said...

My hovercraft is full of eels.

Luc said...

You bringing Stass with you?

The Big Guy said...

+5 for the eels.
One of my favorite MP routines...

Nah. The Good Russian is on this gig.
I haven't decided on a nom de guerre for him yet.
I'll have to deal with St. Ass in December and February...

Borepatch said...

Mrs. Borepatch approves, and says that that this is "kulturniy", whatever the heck THAT means.

The Big Guy said...

@BP - kulturniy- exactly what it sounds like- cultured.
In my case, cultured like an old cheese or a tub of bad yogurt.