Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TheOnesDay® Meme - Boeing Day (7/27 heh.)

 The Political Watches

A man goes to a jewelry store looking to buy a watch.
He looks at a watch called "The George HW Bush Watch" and asks the sales clerk why there are no hands.
The sales clerk says "You are suppose to read his lips".

He then looks at a watch called "The Sarah Palin Watch" and notices that it isn't running - the sales clerk tells him "it runs, it doesn't run, it runs, it doesn't run . . ."

He then notices a watch called the "Barack Obama Watch" and sees that it runs, has hands and looks like a pretty good watch. He asks the sales clerk how much.

The sales clerk replies "Fourteen Trillion Dollars. The base price is $109.95 plus tax, plus tax, plus tax, plus tax, plus tax . . ."

Other memebers of the TheOnesDay® group:
Borepatch & PISSED
Because mockery is the most sincere form of political interaction.


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