Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Stand Corrected

In a recent post I mentioned a list of the 3 biggest lies...
1. The check is in the mail.
2. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
3. Size doesn't matter.
Well... It didn't generate a lot of commentary on the 'blog, but I did get several emails.

Let's see...
"You sick bastard..."

"WTF is wrong with you..."

"You, sir, are a sexist, chauvinistic pig..."
Yeah. Whatevs.
Apparently the girls at the office didn't like the pictures.
Read the disclaimer.

I did get four emails that called me on the carpet, as it were, regarding my assertion that these were the three biggest lies.

Constant Reader C.D. remarked that the biggest fib you'll come across on a week to week basis is this two-word sentence:

"Everything's fine."
Yikes. But, sadly, probably very true.
Anyone that has ever come home to their Significant Other and got the 'You're sooo dead' vibe and innocently asked "What's wrong?" has heard this one, or it's equivalent "Nothing".

Reader LAF opines:

"Who's still putting checks in the mail? The big lie in our neck of the woods is 'Why, no, Officer, I haven't been drinking.'
You need to fix that post."
Semi-Constant Reader DD is exceptionally cynical...
She commented that there is a huge number of liars out there in the on-line dating arena.
"Those bastards! Every f%$#@ng one of them is all
'My wife doesn't understand me' or
'I'm getting a divorce.'... Those are the big lies.
You know what guys? You're wife probably understands you perfectly."
Issues... The girl has issues. Well, not just issues, but probably a whole subscription.

The best, of course, is the one lie all of us tell all the time...
A lie I've told countless times, and I'm sure you have too.

From Constant Reader TM:
"You missed the best, most often told lie of all-
'Yes, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this EULA'"

(Note to Constant Readers:Help a Blogger out- make a comment; don't just send emails. I know, you don't want to register, or whatever... Comment anonymously! That works too!)


1 comment:

Borepatch said...

I was going to comment that you are a sexist pig, but I thought that everyone knew.

What, everyone didn't know? Can't they read?