Thursday, November 05, 2009

Commander Community Organizer-In-Chief



Joanna said...

In a perfect world, the Prez would call the general into his office ...

"Hello, General." Hands him a file. "Here's who we're after, and here's where they are. Here's who to contact if you need more funding. Call me when you get back." The general salutes and leaves, and the Prez goes back to his work.

Oh, would that it were.

T-Rav said...

Hmmm... Prez. W.Bush - "My father was President, I served in the Texas Air National Guard to avoid seeing any action (unless Mexico invades) - All I know about Iraq is that Saddam apparently wanted to assasinate my dad. I say we go to war with Iraq while ignoring Afghanistan - while we're at it we'll just contribute to the destabilizaion of Iraq so that they will never know peace." "But don't worry General, once it all goes bad, we'll blame the un-American liberals for not supporting the war which will take the focus off of our inability to come up with an exit strategy."

Joanna said...

Travis: Assuming all that were true -- can you honestly say that Obama's doing any better?

T-Rav said...

Joanna, No I really don't think anything is better nor will it get any better. The horrible truth is that there will always be violence and instability regardless of how many US troops are there. It's a shame that the region isn't ready for democracy and our interpretation of the rule of law. I hope for a reasonable outcome, but as Red Redding says in the Shawshank Redemption - "Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."