Monday, May 11, 2009

PJ O'Rourke Hits the Nail in the Head

The Ditch Carp of Democracy

Several excellent quotes in here...

The US Government is going to take over the American car industry. I can predict the result - a light-weight, compact vehicle with a small carbon footprint using sustainable alternative energy. When I was a kid we called it a bike.
I have many charming leftist friends. They're lovely people - as long as they keep their nose out of things they don't understand.
Such as making a living.
...First, he appoints a Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who thinks "foreign affairs" means her husband is overseas.
So far, the best Obama has been able to do by way of an Iraq policy is to make what I think of as the "high school sex promise" : "I'll pull out in time, honest, Honey."

Go. Read. Enjoy.


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