Saturday, October 08, 2011

I Am Not A Jelly Donut

...but, for the last few days Ich bin ein Berliner!

Having absolutely nothing to do but wait for my partners in crime to return to the O2 World Arena last night, I went on walkabout at about 9:30PM until almost 1:00AM.

Note to Constant Readers- Avoid the Kebab/Doner/Pizza joints that abound in (East) Berlin...
The Kebab/Doner is probably highly spiced rat & rabbit, while the hunk of cardboard slathered in catchup and sprinkled with grass clippings that they suggest is pizza, well, you'd be better off just eating your euros instead.

During my walkabout I was able to get quite up-close and personal with the old Grenzmauer 75 section of the Berlin Wall in Friedrichshain, near the arena.

Constant Readers will also recall that I'm a sucker for Graffiti, and man, the Berliners Berlindians Berlinites Berlinese folks that live in Berlin love their street art, especially when it comes to the old Antifaschistischer Schutzwall

For instance:

As a side note, the Oberbaum Bridge (Oberbaumbrücke) over the river Spree has an interesting feature: there is a neon art installation called "Stone Scissors Paper" that plays a constant game of roshambo at the center of the span...  
 I kind of hope they eventually modify it to play rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock...

But then, I'm a dreamer.



Borepatch said...

Out of all my trips to Germany, it's a little surprising that I never made it to Berlin. I guess I would have gone if I'd really wanted to.

Strangely, I don't feel the need, or desire.

Bug said...

hmm, why does the Lizard beat Spock and paper ?