
I made a little side trip this weekend and met up with some bloggers whose work I have been reading for some time, but never had the opportunity to meet-
The stars were in alignment and I had the opportunity and the pleasure to meet a passel of fine folk in the Hoosier State.
Tam from
View From The Porch,
Alpha Geekette Roberta X,
Shootin' Buddy (A non-blogger, apparently), Og from
The Old Grouch,
Red & Amanda (who, sadly, I didn't get to talk to),
Joanna from
Ready, Fire, Aim, Apologize, Famous the Redhead
Bridgid (Barkley's Mom), Open Carrying
Wayne, and
MrB ("I drive a Prius because it's ECONOMICAL, not because it's Green!")&
Midwest Chick, who has excellent taste in Chinese regional cuisine...anyone who likes
huajiao* like I do gets instant status in The Big Guy's "
Book o' Good Folk"!
Topics ranged from Joanna's writing plans for her novel, goodies and deals at the Indy 1500, gun maintenance, Segways, tactical purses (turses? - Especially cool was Midwest Chick's Cold Steel sheath and blade on hers), recipes, dogs, old radio equipment, Jerry Pournelle, Black Lab Behaviors, sushi, and
Strike Hold.
Brigid and I were discussing recipes and a particularly intriguing item caught my interest. I asked if it was on her 'site and she assured me it was. I was trying to remember it today, and figured it would ring a bell when I read the title on her site...
Instead, as I read down the list, every single thing looks tasty and amazing...
And the "B" section is exceptionally well-represented - Bacon Ale Gravy with Bangers and Mash, Bacon and Onion Tart, Bacon and Shrimp Eggs Benedict, Bacon Cheddar Quiche, Bacon Coleslaw, Bacon Florentine Style Quiche, Bacon infused refried beans, Bacon Maple Cupcakes, Bacon Maple Deep Dish Quiche, Bacon Waffles, Bacon Wrapped Appetizers, Bacon Wrapped Filler with Mushrooms and Demi Glace, Bacon Cheddar and Chive Scones, Baconator Pizza with Sourdough Crust...
Hie thee hence, and indulge thyself in her culinary creations...
Back to the Shooty Goodness: Most everyone was carrying... I was triple-heeled- .40 at small of back, Татьяна- my 9x18, in the right pocket, and my S&W lockblade in the left pocket.
I was a little amazed when Wayne passed me heading out to the smoke break and I saw he was open-carrying (a Glock, sadly. But still...) Since carrying in Floria is hush-hush unless you've also got a gold badge clipped to your belt. It was a little strange to see a civilian strapped, especially in Berkley Midwest...
Shooty-types, if you've never gone to a Hoosier Blogmeet, make the time, it's awesome.
As a matter of fact, anyone in North/Central Florida (Robb, Dixie...) that want to split up the drive and expenses for the trip, let me know...
To the blogmeet crew- it was a great time; thanks for making me feel at home...
*Zanthoxylum piperitum, if you really must know...