...On a fact-finding mission mission now here in VanCoover.
Looking for various service providers and equipment sources, so when we arrive for the event we'll know where to find stuff.
I found the electronics market, a commercial hardware store, Costco, and the closest liquor store...
I was tracking down a dry-fold laundry that would pick-up and deliver to our hotel or the IBC...
Right across the street from the laundry was a big sign hanging in front of a non-descript strip-center restaurant.
"Dim Sum 2.75"
Oh. My.
Nothing like a good Sunday morning indulgence into small plates of Heart's Delight...
The Xiao Long Bao were a little disappointing- The taste and texture was very good, but the soup had leaked out of the skins. Very sad.
The shrimp and mushroom shumai were very good...
The salt-and-pepper tofu was great, as was the shrimp in rice noodle wrappers.
Golden Star Restaurant was a great find.
You can find it too, at 2163 E Hastings in Vancouver..
Ok- great meal- Back to work...
And it never fails...
When I come out, it's snowing.

Just when I have to drive up to Cypress...
Now, before Luc or some of you Yankees give me some shit like
"That's not snow, that just a flurry! It ain't snow until you can't see your car at the curb and the snowplows aren't able to get out of the garage and start workin'. That's snow!"
Remember- I'm from Down South- I go by some specific definitions and some personal interpretations...
If the water falling from the sky is liquid, it's rain.
If it's not liquid, it's snow.
If it's not liquid and I have to drive in it, it's $#@&*% snow.
So, lovely.
It's snowing.
I get on the road and head to North Vancouver where other people are having issues with the frozen water falling from the sky, and have somehow caused traffic to come to a standstill. Excellent. I need some petrol anyway. I get off the Highway.
After filling the tank I see a sign advertising a local park- Lynn Canyon Park.
I decide to take a peek while traffic clears.
It's a nice little park just over the bridge in N.Vancouver...

The visitors center and coffee shop. Very cool.
And the park is known for it picturesque suspension bridge...

It's not the Capilano Bridge, but it'll do.
No pic from ON the bridge...
I did the math...
Big ogre + new snow + ice on unstable platform=stay the Hell on Terra Firma.
I stopped by the Cleveland Dam since it was close by. Took a peek at the outflow.

There has to be a way to integrate this location into the Olympic events...
Perhaps the Snowcross events.
Hey- even more better! -
Maybe stock the pool with sharks or something!
Alas, the sharks would have to conform with the WorkplaceBC codes, so we'd wind up with this:

Hmmm. It really loses something in the implementation.
Never mind.
Traffic cleared and I got moving again...
The scenery is pretty nice up here.
This is a shot I got on the road about 3/4 the way up to Cypress.
Another place I have made a note to check out on my return for the actual events is this little place over on Broadway.

Death By Chocolate...
Great name for the joint. Hope it lives up to it's handle.
On the way back to my digs I got a good pic down the new Granville walking street...
Speaking of digs...
Since I'm extending my stay on my own dime, and being the cheap bastard that I am,
I'm currently ensconced at a mostly-horrific place called Seymour Cambie Hostel.
Pic stolen borrowed off Flikr since I'm afraid to show my camera on the street outside.
It's really not too bad... The bar that's attached to the hostel is called Malones, good pub grub, $5.25 for a Captain and Coke, and (even Mo Bettah) free WiFi.
I got a kick out of the display at the front desk of the Hostel...

They have all the essentials.
Deodorant, Ramen noodles, condoms and tampax... Hell, throw in one of those disposable razors and a candybar and it's a friggin' party at the Seymour.
The music coming from downstairs on Saturday night was pretty bad, but I put in my earplugs (already had some... IDS Veterans always have earplugs. You might wind up rooming with Jingles some time, and they can save your sanity) so I was out like a light.
Last night (Sunday) was quiet, and I was tired from a long day so I hit the hay early and slept like the dead...
More fun and adventure to come...