Thursday, March 02, 2006

Torino Wrap

"Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend-
Come inside! come inside!"
-Emerson Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil 9

Just a quick review and farewell to all of our friends in Italy and elsewhere...

In Sauze d'Oulx & Bardonecchia

The crew at Paddy McGinty's
Orlando, Alex, our favorite bartender whose name I never learned,
Amy, "H" (The fixer), Gio (The Vandal), DJ Danny and Kaz (Keep 'em warm...)...

The good folks at Queens Lounge-
Alfredo, Amy (The OTHER Amy), Nichie and Julia (Have a chips...)

At Sugo's- Mauritzio & Tattoo...
The best pasta in the Suza Valley.

Customers & People
The English girl who tried to ride me like a horse,
as her boyfriend was passed out at the table
during the trivia contest.

The dude who followed me back to the hotel because he was sure
I had been hitting on his girlfriend.

The Russian girl who tried an assualt on the north face,
as I tried to make it across the dancefloor at Osteria Vagabondi.

Katie- Our waitress at Debili, who showed up at Paddy's
very late at night, very inebriated, very often.

And at Melezet- Eric Angstadt-Torres from Atos, Nicola (at OVR) and
of course Omega Girl - Talar, and their flawless crew that provided results!

And all the Japanese...
(The Japanese? Those sandal-wearing goldfish tenders...)

Bruce, Partick, Ivan (Bill Murray)
Mike, Harvey A, Taz, LJ, Jeff the (other) viking, Carrie,
The Talent- Pat, Tina, Mark S, Todd and Bettina from Dew Tour.
Super Dave Osbourne, Lisa, Charlie, JT,
and Annette, our Graphics crews...

In SDO at FR- Mike, Billy & Jeff-
Plus the runners- Simone, Andrea, Elena & Luca...
Y'all were the best!

At the IBC in Torino-
TJ- who I thought had learned his lesson in Athens, back for another
round of night shifts and bad local food.
(At least no pork sushi this time, eh TJ?)

Byron- Audio tech par excellance- another Athens veteran.

Craig Lau- our man at NBC. We run away kicking and screaming, and he just keeps dragging us back...

And our crew-

In Torino-
Daryl "Ned Flanders" Carson
Mitch "The Regulator" Mitchell
Susan "Don't touch the hair" Walker
Bob "The Apostle" Lanham

In Sestriere
Stass "The Codemonkey" Iordanov
Lacey "Rookie" Koerner
"Smilin' Dave" Kananen

In Sauze d'Oulx
Mark "Spongemark Squarehands" Moore

In Jacksonville
Paul "Kapusta" Podkulski
John "Croc" Sarmie
"Dr. Rob" Ayres
David "Special K" Kazebee

Ned Manchu sez:

See you on the Great Wall - Bejing 2008!

Famous the Technician out-

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