"I believe that Barack Obama is a weak and failing president. I believe his policies are contributing to an American decline that will endanger this country and the world in incalculable ways. I think President Obama’s White House has more than its share of enablers, delusional sycophants and people who don’t believe in the United States as the indispensable nation. In my view, an election, giving us an opportunity to try to reverse the trajectory that President Obama has put us on, can’t come fast enough."
-The Insiders: Gates should have waited by Ed Rogers Washington Post January 8
I had to go back and read a bunch of Ed Rogers' stuff before I could believe what I was seeing on the WAPo website...
What the hell has been happening while I've been away?...
Wait a sec...
Did Hell freeze over this week?
Unfortunately, the acceptance by traditional leftist media types that this administration is likely the worst in US history does not mean that they believe a more conservative approach is warranted.
They are simply distancing themselves from the current administration and its failed policies so that when they throw their support behind the next ultra-liberal candidate, they can say, "I have to be right because I don't like Obama."
All smoke and mirrors and BS.
That's not Hell, but close enough.
They are finally waking up... 5 years in...
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