Thursday, September 04, 2014

Exit Row, Baby.

Certainly can't complain about legroom on this flight.
I'll need to take a taxi to get to my bag, though...


  1. Hmmm .. nice boots! Are they para-military? Looks like something that I would find in the "Desert Storm catalog"?

  2. My employer is notoriously cheap when it comes to flying boat crews to meet their vessel. On a flight last year from NY to St. Maarten, every single one of us, not a one under 6' and not a one under 250lbs, got put in middle seats. I prefer an aisle seat, as my behind fits in the seat, but my upper body does not, and my entire shoulder and arm then has room to move... but in this case, no dice. We pretty much ruined the flight for about 2/3 of the folks in the Steerage section. We did get an exit row seat for Big Daddy, who is 6'6" and 300lbs, though the 5'2" girl there squawked mightily.

  3. @Luc: These are my 'Stomp the guts outta that annoying TSA Agent' boots.

    Yep. I know the feeling. We get booked on the cheapest flight that gets us there on time...
    Sometimes we get preferred airlines, but more often not. And yes, if I'm in a middle seat, there are 3 miserable people on the flight as I have the same physique- wider shoulders than hips... Going through metal detectors is fun too... I have to turn my shoulders to go through without hitting the sides.
    (If you touch the sides they alert.)

    @NFO You betcher ass. I LOVE this seat on the 737-700.


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.