Friday, August 08, 2014

Free Associations: Porn Names

I occasionally see names of things or places and it occurs to me that it would make a great character name in a book...
One of my favorites I see all the time is on the cars at the local high school - Fletcher HS in Jax Beach. The lacrosse players (and family, girlfriends and fans) have a sticker on their cars reading simply "Fletcher Lacrosse".
Great name. I'm going to use it in a book some day...

I also see place names on the highway signs on interstate exits and have similar thoughts-
Tyler Lindale (on I-20 in Texas) was a memorable one.

Porn Names have always been a source of amusement-
On the old Seinfeld TV show, George Costanza wanted his porn name to be Buck Naked.
(And there is probably a guy named Buck Nekkid in western Oklahoma who wants to change his name to George Costanza...)

The thing that recently occurred to me was that the absolutely BEST porn name already in common use and pretty much every one knows it...

That would be - Magic Johnson

How did I miss this for so long?



  1. Not bad, but I think the old first pet's name/first street you lived on trick is better.

    Duke Fremont, aka John of the GMA

  2. But that would make mine Fluffy 114th Street.
    Don't know if that would fly.

    ...But 'Duke Fremont' is cool.

    Might have to use that-
    "Fletcher Lacrosse and Duke Fremont in: 'Debbie Does Dishes'- A straight-to-video release this holiday season."


  3. My porn name is Licorice Pope.

    I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  4. @EP-
    Awesome. I just emitted an audible snort when I read that..

    (Prithee- What manner of beastie was Licorice?)

  5. He was a Poodle with black fur.

  6. @EP
    We had black standard poodles when I was a kid.
    Cool dogs.


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.