Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Quick Hits - 7/8/14

A couple for this AM whilst reading USA Yesterday at breakfast...
A "Voices" writer (R.Jervis) continues to trumpet the tired prevarication about how high the deportation rate is under Obama...
He doesn't bother mention how they are cooking the numbers by classifying anyone turned away at the border during a normal border crossing as a "deportation".
DeWayne Wickham had a great idea for what to do with all the kids that are coming across the border...
Instead of sending them off to Great Aunt Maria's in Sioux Falls with a strong admonishment " You better come back when we call you.", he says send 'em all to Gitmo.
Seriously- great idea.
Infrastructure in place, space, control, and incentive for repatriation to original country.
GIMF: Wickham Deportation Guantanamo
more later-


  1. What with all the diseases coming along with the kids, Gitmo is just perfect: patient to doctor ratio is somewhere around 4-1.

  2. Most evil suggestion to date -- and I *think* it was a joke: "Taxidermy 'em and send them back."


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.