Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dallas Trip - Part 1

The Dallas Area Blogshoot # 2- a/k/a DABII

I saw the first one mentioned at BAR and Borepatch's sites...
When the second one was in the planning stages, I saw it would probably fall at a time I could fit a visit to Texas into my schedule, I was pretty psyched.
I started watching 3Boxes' website for details...

I'm very fortunate to have be able to attend several blogmeets. blogshoots, and have several micro meets... Always interesting, always fun, always great people.
I met Robb, JayG, McThag and a couple others in Orlando several years ago...
I caught up with JayG again at a Eat & Shoot up in Mass/NH. At that one there was a ton of cool people including Marko, JD, TOTWTYTR, Lissa & Mike, DoubleTrouble and my first meeting with Borepatch and the famous-and-always-hits-her-target Mrs Borepatch...
I've attended two blogmeets in Indy...Wow.
Tam, Roberta, MrB & Midwest Chick, Johanna, Og, Ol' Grouch, Brigid, Old NFO, and a passle of other cool kids. And their shindigs are always held at purveyors of tasty chow. Cool folks and tasty chow- what's not to like?
I've also been fortunate to have been able to some small gatherings with Borepatch, the BAR crew in Houston, Lisa from Homesick Texan in NYC, and a few others...
(I would mention meeting one of the Gormogons but every time I do I get hit by a post-hypnotic command, and wind up naked atop a windmill reciting passages from Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot". Go figure.)

What it boils down to is...
The blogosphere is a very interesting place, and Gunbloggers are an amazing cross section of personalities...I'm a pretty poor scribe, especially in the company of these fine folks...I'm very fortunate to be permitted to sit in their midst, tell my silly stories and crack bad jokes...
If you have the time and means and there is a blogmeet near you, make the time. Even if you have to ride 2200 miles in the rain.
I guarantee, you will not regret it...

Next up: Getting There...


1 comment:

  1. All true, and yes TRULY a cast of characters... Ride 2200, drive 4000, why not??? :-)


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.