Thursday, July 05, 2012

Menawhile, Over At The Other 'Site...

So... I just spent 7 dog-years toiling as one of Bettman's Minions, and now I'm off to London.

A good number of Constant Readers have enjoyed the tales of the trials and tribulations at the various Olympic cities over the past few years...
Ready to be entertained/horrified?

This year I have a good number of tasks to attend and the venues that I will be supporting are spread out across London, and I'm not exactly feeling benevolent toward the whole shebang...but I will be continuing to publish my daily update.

If you have a preponderance of free time and/or you're one of those people that creep by a multi-car freeway accident looking for the bloodsmears on the asphalt, then by all means, please stop by and take a peek. You might find something of interest.

London 2012 Unofficial Staff Update Site
A/K/A - "6 weeks of British Cuisine and Dental Hygiene, Just shoot me now, please."

Hopefully I will be back in time for DAB II, which I will be doing my best to attend.



  1. Go to the Hung, Drawn, and Quartered pub on Tower Hill. Just because.

  2. Travel safe, and be careful... I'd actually recommend you get a driver to get you to/from...

  3. Yay!!! Another possible attendee to the D.A.B !

    Awesome. Looking forward to meeting you sir.

  4. Will there be scary characters like Stass and Squarepants Mark? As always, looking forward to it.

  5. BP:
    Found it. It is a stone's throw from my hotel.
    Heading there after work today.
    Thanks for the tip; AAR to follow.

    ONFO - I have full access to NBC's motorpool.
    It's nice when you exit the bag claim & customs and a guy has a sign with your name on it, with the car parked at the VIP curb, and be whisked away on zypher-like wings to the luxury hotel.
    (As opposed to the last gig where I had to chase down the shuttle to the rental car center and pick up the jalopy-du-jour.)


    Wouldn't be an Oly event with St. Ass and SpongeMark Squarepants.
    Alas, no Captain Morgan at the DutyFree this AM, so Mark will either need to bring his own or suffer through my stock of Havana Club.



  6. Awesome! I hope you can make to DAB II J!


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.