Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I Guess It Happens More Often Than We Expect...

On my way downstairs in the elevator at 6:15 this AM, the car stopped on the 5th floor.
A woman got in and jabbed the Lobby button.
"Don't. Ask." She said in a commanding tone.
She was barefoot, wearing only white panties and a t-shirt...
She stood there looking at her feet, muttering to herself.
Not relishing the thought of an angry snap-kick in the cojones, I kept my questions and quips to myself, thankewberrymuch.
She purposefully strode to the front desk and as I walked by I could hear the quite obvious explanation...
"I've locked myself out of my goddam room..." she told the girl at the desk, who listened without a snicker or smirk.
TBG, off to the arena... What city is this?


  1. I guess it could've gone the other way:

    Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought this would happen to me. I was on the elevator at 6:15 a.m. and........ ( let your mind wander)

  2. Well, you can't get locked out of your room in panties and t-shirt unless you leave the room in them.

    Sounds like there are still more questions unanswered.

  3. question?did the clerk demand picture I.D.?

  4. Right... Normal Letters to Penthouse not withstanding, this scenario could only end in tears.

    Let me finish up that letter for you...

    Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought this would happen to me. I was on the elevator at 6:15 a.m. and I got kicked in the balls by an angry half-dressed soccer-mom/businesswoman...
    Normally I'd think getting my nuts handled by someone a) other than the TSA and b) female would be a good thing, but in this case I will have to take the contrary position to the old adage "any attention is good attention"...

    Phrases not to use on half-naked women in elevators:
    "Walk of shame?"
    "Going down?"
    "Laundry day?"
    "Grandma's gonna be pissed when she finds out you took her panties..."
    "All your base are belong to us."


  5. LOL, never done that on the road, but DID do that at home once; went to grab the paper, didn't get back to the door in time; thankfully the side door was unlocked... :-)

    And no, I wouldn't have said anything either :-)


Tweaked the anti-spam settings a bit.
Let's see if this does the trick.